A unique service to support your game play
Earn Project Entropia Dollars (PED) and Linden Dollars (L$)
» You must be a Second Life Resident or an Entropia Universe Colonist to use our services.
» Multiple accounts from the same household are allowed as long as they do not abuse our affiliate system.
» Please use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Other browsers including in-built SL browsers may not work.
Welcome to Entropia Partners, a unique place to earn L$ and PED. Participate in our fun activities and start earning round the clock. There are no minimum payouts. For Second Life residents withdrawls are instant, and
are committed within seconds. Entropia Universe colonists usually gets their earnings within minutes.
» Multiple accounts from the same household are allowed as long as they do not abuse our affiliate system.
» Please use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Other browsers including in-built SL browsers may not work.
Earn PED
Project Entropia Dollars
Earn L$
Linden Dollars